Mandela: Another fake saint ...
His life before prison was spent as a terrorist; and once he became president, what happened? South Africa spiraled downwards into near-anarchy and ruin. He has done none of the things that make a man truly great. Nothing. He has, like every communist leader before him anywhere in the world, taken his country down the path of collapse. And yet he is idolized the world over. Such is the utter gullibility of the vast majority of people today. They believe what they are told to believe. They have believed a lie. What has the post-apartheid regime ushered by Mandela offered the black people? Not only has life not improved, it has become much worse, and public services and utilities are barely functional. Crime in rampant, slums persist. Mandela is a creation of the white imagination, particularly the white liberal imagination.
The Mandela cult is an accident of world history and has nothing to do with the qualities of the man himself. Nonetheless he is as much the darling of the Western liberal media as any big name from Hollywood or the international pop music industry. Mandela did not sing, he did not play roles in films, he never said more than a few sentences, but was assured of an international audience. He was his own reality show. The Oxford Dictionary defines worship, among other things, as: “to adore with appropriate acts, rites, or ceremonies; to regard with extreme respect or devotion; to honour; to regard or treat with honour or respect; to salute, to bow down to.” Mandela, creating a Mandala ...