Putin does what he thinks is in Russia's best interests. He is reacting as the West should react - with punitive measures against the incitement of hatred that is caused by the cult of Islam. There is no doubt that Islam teaches intolerance of other people and other religions. Islam itself is a subversive, terrorist ideology. Its manifestos (Qur'an and other subversive literature) need to be given the same treatment as “Mein Kampf”. But the West is weak, a pseudo-Christian West which dares not speak in defense of persecuted Christians, denies its own roots, and does not even respect its own traditions. Any “religion” which teaches intolerance and hate should be restricted if not outright banned. This is even more important when the “religion” endorses violence against others. Islam should be dealt with just like they dealt with Nazis during and after WW II. We will not overcome the supremacism and terrorism of Islam until we recognize it for what it really is: Much more a subversive political ideology that promotes destruction of our social and political systems than it is any sort of "religion". http://www.thecommentator.com/article/5370/is_russia_banning_islam

Теги: Russia Islam religion

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